+302551402425 +306947904958 Βιζβίζη 29-31, Αλεξανδρούπολη info@ergodomisi.gr



The Safety Technician is the institutional body provided for by the legislation on Safety and Health at Work to supervise working conditions. Its responsibilities are advisory and it provides suggestions and advice to the employer on the health and safety of workers and the prevention of accidents at work.

The Safety Technician (depending on his/her speciality) can be employed in all companies, regardless of the number of employees, in the context of supervising working conditions. The duties of Safety Technician can also be performed by the employer himself in his company, when it belongs to the B and C risk categories under appropriate conditions (number of employees in the company, qualifications of the employer, training).

The duties of the Safety Technician can be carried out depending on the type of business and the number of employees in it by persons holding:

Bachelor's degree from a polytechnic or polytechnic school of higher education
